dinsdag 12 april 2016

Internal Proxy-Proxy calls to be replaced by Business Service?

When building services in Oracle Service Bus it is important to decide what kind of service portfolio you want to create. It is good to think of this before you start with even the first service!

A possible portfolio could be a SOA service portfolio. And yes, services exists in multiple forms!
An important feature of SOA portfolio is decoupling ( there is of course more!).

Sample design

So , that is easy. Each service is self contained and must be decoupled from all others.
But really, is it that easy?

Yes (except maybe for Resources like XML Schema and Transformations).
For every service call implement a Business Service!

And no.By doing that, you lose information! Specially the traceablity will be worse!
A strong feauture of OSB is the References and Referenced By options.
This feauture will be less effective when using Business Services.

So here are some pro's of using full service decoupling (by use of Business Service):

  • Standalone development of service
  • Standalone deployment of service
  • Track & Trace is optimal: reference throughout the whole chain
  • Fast internal call via kind of RMI protocol

And here the con's:

  • Track &Trace is worse: stops at the Business Service
  • Deployment dependencies
  • Performance penalty: every call goes via external protocol (think of loadbalancer also)
  • For WSDL-based services there is a doubling of WSDL/Schemas

So it is up to you to find the best option for your situation!

Current date SF
